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MLA Citation Guide (9th Edition): Encyclopedias, & Dictionaries

This resource guide is based on the MLA Handbook 9th edition

Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

Encyclopedia entry from a library database

Works Cited List Citation

Author's Last Name, First Name if given. "Title of Encyclopedia Entry." Title of Encyclopedia, edited by First Name Last Name if given, Edition ed. if not first edition, vol. Number if given, Publisher if given, Year of Publication, pp. Page Numbers if given. Database Namedoi if given.


"Macao." World Encyclopedia, Phlip's, 2004. Oxford Reference

In-Text Citation

(Last Name), or if no author ("Title of Encyclopedia Entry")


Example: ("Macao")

Encyclopedia entry from a website

Works Cited List Citation

Author's Last Name, First Name if given. "Title of Encyclopedia Entry." Title of Encyclopedia, edited by First Name Last Name if given, Sponsoring Organization if given, Year of Publication, URL. Accessed Day Month Year viewed (optional, add if there is no upload/publication date).


Gwiazda, Emily. "Hide Hyodo Shimizu." The Canadian Encyclopedia, Historica Canada, 15 Mar. 2019,

In-Text Citation

(Last Name), or if no author ("Title of Encyclopedia Entry")


Example: (Gwiazda)

Dictionary entry from a website

Works Cited List Citation

"Dictionary Term, Abbreviation for part(s) of speech. (Definition number, if given)." Dictionary Name, Publisher if given and different from website name, Year, URL. Accessed Day Month Year viewed (optional, add if there is no upload/publication date).


"Intersectionality, N." Merriam-Webster, 2021,

"Job, N. (1)." Merriam-Webster, 2021,

"Pandemic, Adj. and N." Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, 2021,

"Defund, V." Merriam-Webster, 2021,

"Exemplarily, Adv." Lexico, 2021,

In-Text Citation

("Dictionary Term")


Example: ("Intersectionality")

Wikipedia article

Works Cited List Citation

Note: Wikipedia may not be considered an acceptable source for a college or university assignment. Be sure to evaluate the content carefully and check with your instructor regarding using Wikipedia as a source.

"Title of Encyclopedia Entry." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Day Month Year entry was last modified, Time entry was last modified, URL.



"The Lark Ascending (Vaughan Williams)." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 18 May 2021, 22:53 (UTC),

In-Text Citation

("Title of Encyclopedia Entry")

Note: If the source has a long title, you may shorten it in your in-text citation by using the first word/phrase from the title.


Example: ("The Lark")